Radio #GlobalPeace2021 San Francisco

Photos with Felipe Chavez at the 2014 Arise Festival in Colorado, and with
Diamond Dave (seated) and Plunker at the 2016 Rainbow Gathering in Vermont

Radio #GlobalPeace2021 San Francisco

Legendary San Francisco Poet, Radio Host, Love and Peace Activist Diamond Dave Whitaker, on his March 2, 2018, Common Thread Collective Mutiny Radio Show, hosted Felipe Chavez on Healing Global Wounds with David Williams on the #GlobalPeace2021 Campaign to bring the Santa Barbara Peace Pole for Jerusalem to install at the East Jerusalem Peace House of Haj Ibrahim, of Jerusalem Peacemakers and the Abrahamic Reunion, who is awaiting its arrival.

To this end, Santa Barbara Mayor Cathy Murillo invites you to join her 1-2PM on Sunday, March 11, 2018, in a UCSB Tree of Peace Ceremony, with Chumash Elder Art Cisneros in support of Mayan Calendar Keeper and Crystal Skull Guardian Jose Munoz.

On Friday March 9 at 4:20pm, the David’s Whitaker and Williams will be on-air -- with a live report on the status of the March 11 ceremony’s arrangements, from the UCSB Tree of Peace after the Fire Ceremony that day and walk across campus -- with elder Santa Barbara indigenous activist Juan Ayala who made the March 11th UCSB Tree of Peace announcement, and delivered the Feb27 #GlobalPeace2021 Press Release with his message for the occasion, to the Santa Barbara City Council in three minutes of public comment, recorded with video at this page, with full details about this #GlobalPeace2021 Campaign and related events:

Chavez, Whitaker and Williams, 13min, Starts 1:42:00 into the podcast, ends after 1:55:00

Diamond Dave Facebook Page:

Felipe Chavez Facebook Page:

Plunker Barry Adams Facebook Page:
(One of the main organizers of the 1971 first annual July 1-7 Rainbow Gathering)

Juan Ayala Facebook Page:

David Williams Facebook Page:

Santa Barbara Mayor Cathy Murillo Facebook Page:

-------page last updated 2:30pm 03Mar2018
