New Mexico Governor Gary E. Johnson
[Great Seal of The State of New Mexico 1912]
Office of The Governor
State Capitol
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87503
(505) 827-3000
Gary E. Johnson
June 14, 1995
Global Peace Walk Participants
1827 Haight Street Suite 85
San Francisco, CA 94117
Dear Participants:
Greetings from the Land of Enchantment! I was pleased that you routed the
state of New Mexico as a stopping point for the United Nations 50th
Anniversary Global Peace Walk 95.
I commend you for your dedication and vision towards providing a positive
and peaceful world for our future generations. The efforts of this group
are an excellent example that people of all races, tribes, religions and
nations can come together in a nonviolent manner in order to resolve
disputes and conflict.
The prayers and best wishes of New Mexico are with you as you continue
spreading your message of global peace.
Gary E. Johnson
Governor of New Mexico
1999 Speech by Governor Johnson: