Last updated 05-30-15 10:08amPDT
This event is in support of the June14 start of the Peace March to inaugurate the Indigenous Peoples United Nations (IPUN), which is walking 12 days to Ottawa for June26 Ceremonies including the flying of the new flags of the Indigenous Nations who that day will be declaring their independence from their oppressive colonial governments, such as from the Canadian government by the traditional Anishnabe Nation which is leading this effort towards fulfillment of their Seven Fires Wampum Belt Prophecy About the Coming of the 8th Fire.
More about the 8th Fire prophecy and the 1995-96 Peace Walk that brought it to Santa Barbara is at:
More about the Indigenous Peoples Declaration of Independence, and the Indigenous Peoples United Nations (IPUN) is at:
More about the 8th Fire Walk to Freedom, from June14 to Ottawa on June26 is at:
Gathering at UCSB Tree of Peace before Noon, Ceremony starts promptly at Noon, 12:30pm Walk 10 min across campus to UCSB Eternal Flame Memorial Peace Monument in lawn south of Buchanan Hall for re-lighting ceremony with flame lit by Chumash Firekeeper at Tree of Peace Ceremony.
Bring your favorite flag to carry in the procession from the Tree of Peace to the Eternal Peace Flame installation.
Ceremony at 12:30pm will include the burning of an outworn US Flag in the customary manner prescribed by the US Flag Code as a respectful ceremony like a funeral for the outworn flag which symbolizes of the high ideals of the Republic of The United States of America and its Constitution protecting the people from the government, as patterned in large part after the Haudenosaunee Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy whose symbol of the Tree of Peace embodies the teachings of The Great Law of Peace that is destined to unite all the nations of the world in peace.
Facebook Event Page for Noon Sun14June National Climate Mobilization Flag Day UCSB Tree of Peace Sacred Flame Ceremony to Kickoff the 2015 Summer of Unconditional Love Tour: 21June-Sept21
One of Two Flyers/Posters for 14June Event, National Climate Mobilization version:
Two of Two Flyers/Posters for 14June Event, locally created, US Flag version:
Full information about the project, updated regularly is mirrored at two URL’s with each of the posters at top:
This short Peace Walk and Ceremony on June 14th is in coordination with and support of the Anishnabe Nation which that day is initiating its Peace March to Ottawa Canada to proclaim their independence and to initiate on June 26th there and in San Francisco and in Mexico City the Indigenous Peoples United Nations (IPUN) that is being supported and promoted with discussions on the Facebook page called The Reunion of the Condor and Eagle and Beyond, which you can join to help and collaborate at:
Please go to UCSB campus in advance of the event to make sure you understand how to park and how to get to the Tree of Peace so you can avoid frustrations and delay on the day of the ceremony which must start on time at Noon.
On June 18, 2015, the Walking Prayer will start from the National Civil Rights Museum, housed in the former Loraine Hotel where Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was killed, carrying a light from the World Peace Flame kept there. A light from this flame will also be sent to Ashland Oregon for the World Peace and Prayer Day Ceremony to inaugurate the 2015 Summer of Unconditional Love Tour with this World Peace Flame. See details at:
This event is also in support of and to promote the 2016 Rainbow Uprising of Consciousness Peace March from Malibu to the UCSB Tree of Peace from January 26 to February 2, 2016, per flyer with more information, and a photograph of the Seven Fires Wampum Belt of the Anishnabe Nation, at:
The goal of that walk and the ROCEB Facebook page is to convene "The Legion of Light Gathering", a mutual prophecy fulfillment gathering in the Four Corners area of the USA next year August 20-28, 2016, where the initial flyer about that project may be seen at:
Another Production of the Global Emergency Alert Response Network, since 1998.
Proposal Pending Funding:
The 2015 Summer of Unconditional Love Tour, June21-Sept21
The Spirit and Message of the Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr - LIVES ON !! – symbolized by the World Peace Flame at the National Civil Rights Museum (NCRM) at the Loraine Hotel in Memphis TN where he was assassinated by those who wished to dispel his dream of humanity living as one worldwide Beloved Community by sharing unconditional love.
But, We Proclaim that “Dr King’s Dream Lives On in Our Hearts and Minds!”, and in the symbol of that World Peace Flame where a light from it is being sent from Memphis, courtesy of the nearby Heart of Turtle Island Farm where it will also ignite an eternal hearth fire on 21June after a walk from NCRM on 18June, to be carried in a special lantern on a three-month Southwestern USA MLK World Peace Prayer Tour to spread the “Light of Universal Unconditional Love” which Dr King devoted and sacrificed his life to share with the world. -
This 2015 Summer of Unconditional Love Tour will begin on the Summer Solstice, June 21, 2015, at the Ashland Oregon 20th Annual World Peace and Prayer Day Honoring Sacred Sites Ceremony gathering (June18-21) conducted by the 19th generation Keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, Lakota-Dakota-Nakota Chief Arvol Looking Horse, where the World Peace Flame will be carried by courier via a rigorous cross country drive from Memphis starting 18June.
The next stop on the tour will be San Francisco, to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the UN Charter signing there in 1945, 10am Friday, June 26, 2015, at the Martin Luther King Plaza in Yerba Buena Gardens, joining the Indigenous Peace Walk from there to San Francisco City Hall Rotunda for a Noon Public Meeting with the United Nations Secretary General honoring the global indigenous leaders present, then walking outside to nearby huge tipi in Civic Center Plaza for 1pm Indigenous Peoples United Nations (IPUN) Charter Signing Ceremony, as one of such worldwide IPUN charter signing locations including Ottawa Canada and Mexico City. This Indigenous Peace Walk is dedicated to honoring Dr. Lehman Brightman of United Native Americans Inc in respect of his lifelong dedication to indigenous peoples’ issues as a predecessor to IPUN.
Next stop will be the Northern California regional gathering of the Rainbow Family Tribe, June 28 to July 5, with a silent circle of hands ceremony at Noon on the 4th of July to pray that the nations find the pathway to peace in Universal Unconditional Love, in northern California, location to be announced mid-June. – per Declaration of the Indigenous Summit of the Americas: -- per Indigenous Guiding Principles for Creating a Sustainable and Harmonious World:
Next stop, Hopi Villages, Arizona, July 15, 2015, to request Hopi participation in the August 20-28, 2016, Legion of Light mutual prophecy fulfillment gathering in the Four Corners USA area at a location to be announced by end July 2016, the Reunion of The Condor and The Eagle and Beyond, being convened under guidance of Chief Phil Lane Jr ( ) - -
Next stop, Taos New Mexico, August 20-28, 2015, Legion of Light rehearsal gathering of the Reunion of The Condor and The Eagle and Beyond, to compare prophecies and knowledge of indigenous spiritual traditions with the similar knowledge of other religious and spiritual traditions to bring out the prayer for “Global Peace Now!” as the universal human resolve.
The final stop on the tour will be on September 21, 2015, the United Nations annual International Day of Peace, for the installation of this World Peace Flame on the Eternal Flame Memorial Peace Monument at the University of California at Santa Barbara, which has a plaque on it quoting Dr King in 1967, “The large house in which we live demands that we transform this worldwide neighborhood into a worldwide brotherhood. Together we must learn to live as brothers or together we will be forced to perish as fools.”
For more information: http://Global-Emergency-Alert-Response.Net
If you want to financially support this work please see this page:
All of the above travel plans are based on the perhaps unrealistic assumption that people who read this will financially support me in these efforts since my small social security retirement only barely sustains me living in Santa Barbara in my RV with a van I can tow with it or drive around, and the bulk of my possessions and library, files etc, in storage since my wife of 39 years no longer believes in my work and insisted I move out from her house since September 2014.
What I am looking for is a community land base, preferably in the Santa Barbara area, where I can set up my Peace Industry product line cottage industry to make the various models of what I call the Human Hive Experiment using a modular construction system based on tetrahedral geometry where the structures are assembled by simply lacing the poles together through a holed in each pole end, see example in this photo:
Previous efforts in creating Peace Poles include the Rainbow Family Peace Pole for the White House (1980-2015) as depicted in these photos from circa 1989 when then Santa Barbara Mayor Sheila Lodge put the crossed USA-USSR lapel pin on it as a symbol of the new Santa Barbara and Yalta Sister City program, as a part of the initiation of which Mayor Lodge and the Mayor of Santa Barbara jointly relighted the Eternal Flame Memorial Peace Monument at UCSB in a ceremony conducted by the UCSB Chancellor.
That Peace Pole and the Peace Pole for Jerusalem mentioned in a previous Santa Barbara Mayor's Proclamation are no longer in existence and did not fulfill their missions so another style has been created, an open source Rainbow Uprising of Consciousness Peace Pole Project: